Fuji 30mm T/S
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Fujifilm Fujinon GF30mm F5.6 T/S review

Sample Shots


I’m not a fan of overcorrected shifting (which tends to make the buildings look ‘top-heavy’). I always try to add residual perspective as that looks more natural. 1/125 sec, 8.5mm shift (rise) F8 at ISO 80.

This sample shot is more upright but still quite natural-looking. No fringing to speak of and the image is wonderfully sharp. 1/200 sec, 8.5mm shift (rise) F8 at ISO 80.

The tiniest distortion is noticeable here for review purposes as it has been left uncorrected (in post). 1/250 sec, 0.5mm* shift (rise) F8 at ISO 80.


*Probably corrected in the viewfinder without looking at the scale (either in the VF or on the side of the lens).

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